Rasa Part 2: The Emotions

Rasa Part 2: The Emotions

“The world is heartbreaking every day, and the world is beautiful every day. And we have to pay attention to both”

There were many paths we could have taken to create a dance-inspired collection. One obvious choice might have been to draw directly from Indian classical dance, using Mudras or specific gestures as inspiration. Instead, we chose a more nuanced approach.

We looked deeper into the essence of Indian classical dance, which, at its core, shares a universal trait with all forms of dance: the art of storytelling through movement. To give our exploration focus, we decided to center on a few key Rasas—emotions that we believe are especially relevant in today's world. These emotions offer a grounding perspective amid the change, conflict, and confusion of our times:

  1. Wonder: We wanted to design pieces that remind you to find magic in everyday moments. In tough times, it’s the small, unexpected beauties—a flower growing through cracks or a stranger’s kindness—that keep us going. In conflict, it allows us to explore our shared humanity with a sense of openness. As adults, we often lose this sense of wonder, but children remind us with their endless curiosity. 
  2. Dichotomy: When you engage with the world with a renewed sense of wonder, dichotomies naturally emerge. That's why "Dichotomy" is the second Rasä we are designing for in our upcoming dance-inspired collection this Fall! You can be strong and vulnerable at the same time. Calm and enthusiasm can coexist, as can differing opinions. Each brings something valuable; nothing is wrong because there is no judgment—just what is. 
  3. Love: In the midst of contradictions and chaos, love emerges as a powerful force that grounds us. It’s the recognition of your intrinsic worth, embracing your imperfections, and understanding that the contradictions in life are part of what makes you uniquely you. Love, in this sense, is not just affection—it’s an acceptance and celebration of who you are. When things don’t add up or make sense, love is what holds you together, allowing you to navigate through the confusion with grace and compassion for yourself and others
  4. Belief: From this place of love, belief naturally follows. It’s the inner confidence that you are enough, that you have the capacity to overcome challenges and fulfill your true purpose. Belief is about taking space in the world, knowing that your voice matters, and that you have the strength to pursue your dreams even when the path is unclear. It’s about trusting yourself to make decisions that align with your values, and having the courage to move forward despite the unknowns. In a world full of conflict and change, belief in oneself is the anchor that allows you to stay true to your purpose and take meaningful action.

We are working with a circle of Rasäs

Starting from wonder, moving through dichotomies, grounded in love, and culminating in belief— this cycle reflects the journey of self-discovery and empowerment, especially in today's complex and ever-changing world. In a rather meta way, these further resonate with the circular forms and visuals in dance and in our dance-inspired collection

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